About Capital Mortgages - The Morgan Team
Mortgage Brokers in Carleton Place & Kanata, ON

Work with the morgan team for your next mortgage Rick Morgan: Kim Purdy: Aaron Trafford: Sharon Morgan: we all have a roll in navigating your mortgage from application to closing.
Rick Morgan is an independent Mortgage Broker who has spent 30 years arranging and originating mortgages for the high end borrower to the self employed.
Richard is the president of Capital Mortgages a company he co-founded with his partners of 22 years. Capital Mortgages was established in 1999 and is proud to have served 1,000's of clients representing over billions in mortgage volume. The company maintains 50 plus mortgage agents who serve the greater Ottawa and valley regions.
As an independent we do not work for any individual institution, nor are we owned or mandated directly or indirectly (franchise operation) by any one lending institution. Offices in Ottawa, Carleton Place, and Kanata.